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second attempt at a post
2004-10-15 - 7:24 a.m.

Well, supposedly he comes home today. That's what they said yesterday morning. So I had to call in sick for today, losing precious sick leave. I wish there were a way to bill the fucking insurance company for MY time. I've used all of my sick leave for his injury over the last year. And with 5 compressed disks and frequent migraines, sick leave is hard for me to come by anyways. I worked SO HARD to build it up. And Poof. Oh well. Pray I don't get the flu this year. If I do, we are in serious financial trouble.

Oh, and Trin, I have had the pneumonia vaccine. It doesn't prevent pneumonia for life. It's good for five years, and it only protects you from three of the most common pneumonias. Not all of them. In fact, the year I got my pneumonia shot, I ended up with pneumonia about two months later. Go figure. Just thought you should know, in case your doctor has told you otherwise.

So. I am supposed to spring him from the hospital today. This is quite interesting to me, actually, seeing as how:

1. He hasn't gotten up at all yet. They have no idea what level of equilibrium he has, if he has blood clots, or whatnot.

2. He hasn't been able to go #2. I know, TMI. Hospitals used to swear on the Gospel of a bowel movement. You can't leave until you shit. However, the fact he is impacted, for 5 days now, does not concern them. It concerns me though. He is gonna clog the freakin toilet again when he gets home. Another plumbing bill. (God, that sounds horrible. Like I don't care if he's constipated....I do, its just that, my feeling is, they impacted him, they should clean him out.)

3. He is still on morphine on demand pump. I thought they were supposed to gradually wean you off that shit? Oh no. They are going to cut him off, lock stock n barrel. And send him home with vicodin. Fuck me, he is in for a REALLY hard weekend. That's just cruel.

This hospital gets worse and worse in their level of care. I am over it. He's got a moron for a GP managing his diabetes and heart while he is in there. They forced him onto insulin. Get this. He comes in for surgery, having not had his diabetes drugs for 24 hours. Following surgery, his blood sugar is 110. That's excellent. They tell him that his blood sugar will go out of control because of having had surgery. It stays around 100 for two days. They allow him regular meals, all the sugar he wants, and double portions. And they tell him they are refusing to give him his oral diabetes meds.

So then his blood sugar skyrockets to 190...and they put him on insulin! Fuckers. If you had given him the diabetic diet, given him his glucophage, and quit allowing him to request double portions of everything, he wouldn't need the insulin. The doctor who made this decision is a moron. Period. And yes, I do plan on talking with the administrator this time.

Secondly, we have Monica the cunt discharge nurse again. This woman should have been on General Hospital. She is the epitomy of a nosy, backstabbing, bitch of a nurse. I have had nothing but issues with her each time we are here. This time, her coup is to tell me that she will not have the surgeon write scrips for hubbys pain meds upon discharge. It is up to us to hunt down his doctors, AFTER we are discharged, to get those scrips. Now how the hell am I supposed to find these doctors on a Friday afternoon at 3 pm? Right. So hubby is supposed to come home and have no pain relief until Tuesday???

Because I sure as fuck cannot take him to the doctors on Monday. None of them are IN on Mondays!

I swear.

And yes, I will be speaking with an administrator about Monica too.

Watch yourself bitch. I have dealt with you for the last fucking time.

Other than that, I guess all is going ok. I would much rather be at work today than driving to the freakin hospital, sitting there all day with a headache, fighting Monica, and then stressing out....if for some reason they do not discharge him, I will absolutely come unglued.

Hanging on by a thread in school. I wonder now how the hell I did this last spring? I guess too many months of this has just taken it's toll and I am nearing total exhaustion. How do I recover without taking any time off?


yesterday - tomorrow